Saturday, 20 July 2013

Clean sweep for The Ritchie Centre in 3 minute Thesis Comp

Yesterday the Monash Institute of Medical Research held its annual 3 minute thesis competition - the qualifier for the Faculty competition.

Ritchie Centre PhD students excelled, winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Great work.

The winners were: Stacey Ellery, Monika Skubisz, and Nicole Alers.

Congratulations to all presenters - fantastic work all round.

Good luck for the next round, next week. Go Ritchie, Go MIMR!

New funding for cord blood stem cell research

Congratulations to Centre Scientist Dr Tamara Yawno who has recently been awarded a LEW Carty Charitable Fund grant to continue her work: "Cord blood stem cells to reduce brain injury in preterm infants".

This important funding will allow Tamara and her colleagues to further explore how stem cells collected from cord blood might heal the injured newborn brain.

In Tamara's words:  "We aim to to provide the  scientific basis and knowledge to best inform how and when cord blood cells  could be administered following a severe brain injury in premature infants. We hope that this work will prevent cerebral palsy in future generations of premature babies."

Exciting work. Well done Tamara.
